
PDO Max Threads

PDO Max Threads are used to stimulate collagen production and lift tissue. This can result in increased firmness and elasticity of the skin in the treated area. However, results may vary person to person. 


Medical-grade PDO Max threads work to lift and tighten sagging skin tissue. In this procedure, the threads are implanted under the skin using FDA-cleared cannulas or needles. The treatment results in a lifted, rejuvenated, and fuller look once inserted into the skin. Having threads placed will maximize your results and leave your skin feeling and looking healthy.


A PDO thread dissolves after 6-9 months, but its effects can last up to 2 years because it stimulates the production of collagen.


PDO Max Thread Lifts are among the many anti-aging treatments Ella Esthetics in Alexandria, VA, has to offer. Book your appointment today


A PDO Max thread lift may be the perfect procedure for you if you want to correct lines, wrinkles, and other aging skin signs. 

The PDO Max procedure tightens the skin minimally invasively. Unlike most facelift procedures, there is no need for big incisions. A PDO thread lift uses a cannula or tiny needles to insert fine threads under the skin instead. 

Most PDO fibers dissolve within six months and are completely absorbed. Maintaining healthy skin for many years with ongoing collagen therapy in this area is possible.

PDO thread lift recovery is quick, with most patients returning to work the next day. It is normal to experience soreness and dull pain for 1-2 weeks after your procedure. Following your head lift, it is recommended that you refrain from excessive exercise for one week.

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